October 11, 2017

Pipeline Design Pt 3: Interactions with GitHub

TL;DR Define a git workflow for your development team, targeting our WiP build pipeline

Through this iterative design, we are revealing more concerns, and we need to switch from a top-down design to a bottom-up method to ensure all needs are being met. So far, we know that we have three isolated environments (dev, pre-prod, and production) that will align with well-known branches (master, candidate, and release). This allows daily work in master to be isolated from ‘march to production’ work in the release candidate branch. It also provides a dedicated workspace for production code; the release branch should always contain the code deployed to production.

With a slow march to production, we also need a place to work on production bugs - we don’t want to interrupt daily work in master, don’t want to derail a current march to production in candidate, and we don’t want to pollute the release branch with intermittent work. We’ll introduce a completely new branch, hotfix, for just this purpose.

Let’s walk through how developers use these branches daily, and some use cases for our expected work.

Production levels, environments, and branches

All products will enter our Kubernetes clusters through our build pipeline.

Our three production levels (dev, pre-prod, prod) provide their slightly different semantics in corresponding Kubernetes clusters:

  • dev: continuous build and deployment of incremental feature branch merges to master branch
  • pre-prod: continuous build, deployment, and proving for release candidate and hotfix branches
  • prod: docker image deployment of customer facing services (images) mirrored by the release branch

At a high level, feature branches are merged into master and automatically built and deployed to dev. When enough features are accumulated, and are at sufficient quality, master is merged into the release candidate branch which is automatically built and deployed on the pre-prod cluster. When the release candidate image is deemed suitable quality, the candidate branch is pushed to the release branch to reflect currently deployed code, a GitHub release is created, the proven release candidate image is re-tagged with the GitHub release version, and that image is deployed in prod.

Let’s look a little deeper at GitHub branches and transitions.

GitHub branches

Commits to standard GitHub branches provide triggers for execution of different phases of the Jenkins pipeline.

Branch Content Target Description
master next-up features dev A merge into master, from a feature branch, a PR, or direct commit triggers a build and deploy to dev.
candidate release candidates pre-prod When current work in master is ready for promotion, master is merged into the candidate branch which triggers a build and deploy to pre-prod
release released code prod When a release is ready for production, candidate is merged into release and a user manually triggers the job which applies final image versioning, a GitHub tag and release, and deployment to production.
hotfix production hotfixes pre-prod When a production fault requires an immediate fix, a short-lived hotfix branch is created from the current release tag triggering a build and deploy to pre-prod. When the hotfix is of suitable quality, it is merged into release and the hotfix branch is deleted.
* all other branches none When any other branch is committed, the CI portion of pipeline (build, test) is run in the dev environment. For PRs, the results are attached to the PR.

Pipeline stages

The pre-release (dev, pre-prod) and release (prod) pipelines address different concerns. Each pipeline is implemented in a common Jenkins library which each product invokes through a common project root level Jenkinsfile.

Pre-release pipeline stages

The pre-release pipeline focuses on building, testing, and creating docker images. The canonical pre-release pipeline provides the following stages:

Stage Description
Build Produce and stash build artifacts for packaging: jars, binaries, etc.
Test Unit test the product and produce unit test and coverage reports.
Package Produce the docker image.
Archive Push the docker image to the portr docker registry.
Deploy Create the Helm chart, push to Tiller, schedule a cluster deployment.
Integration Test Test the image in the target cluster.

Release pipeline stages

The release pipeline focuses on image selection (candidate, hotfix, redeploy) and a measured deploy to production. It is always manually initiated. The canonical release pipeline provides the following stages:

Stage Description
Create Release Create a new semver version, pull the source image, retag with bare repo name and new version, create a GitHub release.
Canary Deploy Create the Helm chart, push to Tiller, schedule a canary datacenter deployment.
Canary Test Run smoke tests in the canary datacenter. Prompt the user to continue the deploy or rollback.
Canary Rollback Rollback the canary deployment to the previous version.
Prod Deploy Create the Helm chart, push to Tiller, schedule a full cluster deployment.
Prod Test Run smoke tests on all prod locations.

NOTE: A production rollback is trivially implmented as a re-deploy of the previous version.

Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment flow

Tying the above ideas together, we arrive at a combined integration, delivery and deployment flow:

  • The master branch is processed in the dev pipeline and deploys to the dev environment.
  • The candidate branch is processed in the release candidate pipeline and deploys to pre-prod.
  • The release branch is processed by the release pipeline and deploys to prod. Note that no new docker image is built here; the release branch serves two purposes: provides a Jenkins job target and always reflects the code that is in production.
  • The hotfix branch is processed by the release candidate pipeline and deploys to pre-prod (not shown).

Git branch transitions

Normal flow

The Jenkins pipeline responds to git merges and commits. At a high level, the normal feature flow through git looks like:

Hotfix flow

A hotfix release is an emergency production code change. It adds a branch to our normal flow above to isolate that work, but the release pipeline steps are nearly identical.

A feature’s normal path to production

Let’s walk through developer life living with this pipeline:

  1. All work begins with a tracking card (Trello, Jira, post-it), whether external feature request, tech debt, or maintenance.
  2. Developers work in “feature” branches with a name that identifies the tracking card and a short name: “M1-add-api-validation”.
  3. When feature work is complete, a PR is submitted against that branch, and when the PR process is complete, that feature branch is merged into the master branch.
  4. The master merge triggers Jenkins to execute all stages in the development pipeline phase resulting in a deployment to our dev environment.
  5. As issues are identified, they are resolved in commits to master triggering more executions of the development pipeline phase and deployment to the dev environment.
  6. When the master code is of suitable quality - a release candidate - the master branch is merged into the candidate branch.
  7. The candidate merge triggers Jenkins to execute all stages in the release candidate pipeline resulting in a new docker image deployed to our pre-production environment.
  8. As issues are identified, they are resolved in commits to candidate triggering more executions of the release candidate pipeline phase and deployment to the ppe environment. Fixes are also merged down into master.
  9. When the candidate code is of suitable quality, and ready to push to production, the candidate branch is merged into release.
  10. A production release is always initiated manually, the user selects the candidate branch and Jenkins executes all stages in the release pipeline phase including docker image re-tag, GitHub tagging, GitHub release, and deployment to the production environment.

The git branch transitions look like:

  1. Feature work is completed in the feature-1 branch.
  2. feature-1 is merged into master triggering a build and deploy to dev.
  3. A bug is fixed in master and committed triggering another build and deploy to dev.
  4. master is merged into candidate triggering a build and deploy to pre-prod.
  5. A bug is fixed in candidate and committed triggering another build and deploy to pre-prod.
  6. candidate is merged into release triggering final grooming and a deploy to prod
  7. The bug discovered in pre-prod is merged down into master.

Other use cases

Pull Requests

When non-project contributors submit work via pull request, the pull request section of the pipeline is executed. This abbreviated flow includes the Test stage producing unit test and code coverage results which are added as comments to the pull request. When the PR is found of suitable quality, it is merged into the master branch and becomes part of the normal flow to production.

NOTE: The Jenkins Multi-branch pipeline plugin automatically discovers all branches in a GitHub repository and executes this flow.

Notice that the git branch diagram for a PR is identical to a feature branch:


When a flaw is identified in production that requires immediate remediation:

  1. The currently deployed release tag is branched into hotfix.
  2. The hotfix commit triggers Jenkins to execute all stages in the release candidate pipeline phase resulting in a new docker image deployed to our pre-production environment.
  3. If a release candidate is already in-flight, you should consider whether the hotfix should be part of the next release candidate OR pause work on the candidate branch to separate the work streams.
  4. As issues are identified, they are resolved in commits to hotfix triggering more executions of the release candidate pipeline phase and deployment to the ppe environment.
  5. When the hotfix code is of suitable quality, and ready to push to production, the hotfix branch is merged into release.
  6. The normal release stages are executed.

The git branch transitions look like:

  1. A flaw is identified in production that requires immediate remediation.
  2. A hotfix branch is created from the current release branch.
  3. The production flaw is fixed in hotfix.
  4. hotfix is merged into release triggering a deploy to production.
  5. The fix in hotfix is merged down into candidate.
  6. The fix in hotfix is merged down into master.

Notes on naming

Products use their GitHub repo name as both Jenkins job name and docker image name because we prize operational over semantic clarity; it is more important for an operator to be able to locate source for a build job or deployed artifact than the name of that artifact making perfect semantic sense.

We use docker images as our fundamental deployment unit and store those under a single repository group. in a private registry requiring each image to use a fully qualified docker image name. For this effort, we will store images in Docker Hub under the stevetarver group which yields image names like:


Pre-release builds append the branch name to the repo name and use a build timestamp as a tag to uniquely identify the image and indicate its provenance.


When a candidate or hotfix is deemed ready for production, a new version is created to represent the feature group or fix being deployed. New features increment the minor version and fixes increment the micro version.

The latest branch image is pulled and retagged to omit the branch name and use the new version.



Now we know how developers will interact with GitHub and how GitHub will trigger Jenkins builds and deploys. Our next step will be to create a generic Jenkins pipeline that can implement this pipeline and be flexible to work with all of our client projects.